
Getting Richer Online

1-2-3 Cash Formula Getting You Richer Online!
Copy the wealthiest internet marketers online and earn a fortune.

With the words “The money is in the list” ringing in every would be internet marketers ears, it’s hard not to take the concept seriously.

Well I’m strongly of the opinion that you should take it seriously and you should start building your own list. Especially if making money over and over from the same visitors sounds good to you.

As you’re probably aware a “list” is simply a collection of subscribers who have given you their name and email address. Usually in exchange for a gift or useful info. You might offer a newsletter on a subject relevant to the content of your site for instance.

Once these people are on your list, you can send them emails and if you do it right, earn affiliate commission from sales of products you direct your subscribers to.

OK so far right? And this all sounds great, but you’re probably asking how do you build a list? What do you need? How do you get people to sign up? How do you send them messages? What do you say? What do you sell?

Questions questions!

Don’t worry, I have all the answers for you. Well to be exact, the answer to all these questions and more can be found in a new product called 1-2-3 Cash Formula.

I really rate this product because it’s a complete step by step guide which shows you how to set up your very own list building website. Nothing is left out.

And you don’t even have to worry if you’ve never built a website, because it includes a set of high quality list building websites you can call your own. I have noticed with many other products, the quality of the resources leaves a lot to be desired.

Not so with the 1-2-3 Cash Formula. I was amazed at the quality of the included sites. Very nice indeed.

This really is a complete A to Z guide. Just take a look at what you get:

  • A collection of videos to guide you through setting up your own profitable opt-in page. (I thought these were great. Really easy to follow along as you can stop and start them as you need)

  • A set of amazingly high quality list building websites and full instructions on how to personalise them. (You’ll be proud to put your name on these)

  • How to collect names and emails from your site on complete autopilot . . . even while you sleep! (ALL the big internet marketers use this technique to add to their bank accounts 24/7)

  • Exactly how to make the most of the subscribers who join your list. (Do this right and you’ll be earning from the same subscribers for years to come)

  • Not just what to write in your messages but an actual set of messages for you to profit from immediately. (With the amount of time and brainpower this saves, I thought this was worth the price alone)

  • How to get tons of targeted traffic to your site, completely free. (Without this, your site is dead in the water)

There are marketers online with lists of 50,000, 100,000 even 500,000 people. Can you even begin to imagine the earning power of their lists?

Send an email to 50,000 people with your affiliate link in it and find out!

If only 20% (10,000) clicked on the link in your message and only 1% of those bought, that’s 100 sales. Multiply that by however much you would earn as an affiliate, let’s say $30, and you’ve just earned a cool $3000.

For sending an email!

So, if you’re looking for a fast way to get started making money online, or you want to add to your online empire, this is it. And don’t forget that the great thing is you can continue earning from the same traffic for years to come.

List building really is the formula for earning cash as easy as 1-2-3.



Online Marketing Basics

Hello and welcome to Online Marketing Basics here at Getting You Richer!

Are you like most other people and want to make a lot of money without ever having to put on an over priced suit and going to an under sized office? Do you dream of financial independence and to be successful?  Do you worry about the economy even more so these days, than last year?  Continue reading to find out how, as an online marketer, you can make things happen for you.

As an online marketer, there are two very important things you NEED know about affiliate marketing.

First, and most importantly, you need to remember that CONTENT IS KING. You must learn how to make your own content and how to make sure you come up with quality, unique stuff. It needs to captivate the people that are interested in the topic and keep them coming back.  Getting people to look at your website is not hard, however getting them to read more than the first couple of words is a bit more difficult.

You still with me?

Second, you need links that point to your website from someone else's.  Doing so will help bump you up in the search engine results. Think about when you search for something, how often do you continue looking past the first page of results?  Exactly, that's where you want to be, on the first page.  You need to make sure the links on other websites are always from web pages that have the same topic as the pages they link to, otherwise you are going to work hard just to lose points with the search engines and that needs to be avoided. 

OK, so how do you make those two things happen?  Here's how to get this all started:

Get in on a niche market, meaning a specific topic, try not to be too broad.  For instance, if you want to market home improvement, there is a lot of different aspects of that subject.  Try narrowing down to a niche of home improvement, like painting and wall covering for example. Identify a few topics about your niche subject and start writing about them. Put about ten articles up on your website, get the direct links for each one of them, and then keep your eye on them and see if people enjoy reading them or not by watching each pages' traffic. Once a day try to re-read at least one of your articles and see if your writing is clear and if the basic ideas stand out from the rest of the text and are easy to grasp by everyone, not just you.  Focus on tailoring the articles with little traffic by incorporating some of the "better" content on the high traffic pages.  Figure out what it is that is making the good articles better than others, and adjust.

After a couple weeks of doing this go back to your first articles and re-read them once again. You may be surprised at how poorly and unclear these were written. Writing the articles will get easier the more you do it.  You should feel free to re-write them, or to write new articles that will focus on the same topics and offer the same solutions, this time with a different approach and style. Don’t worry about being 100% original every time because this is not going to happen. Focus on making the articles clear and understandable.

After a while you will notice that your site is getting a lot more traffic because of all the content you have written and put up. Remember, keep it simple.  Make sure all of your pages can be accessed with ease.  Not everyone will be reaching your website directly on the main page. Making your website easy to navigate will insure people staying for more than just a few seconds.

Also, having a website that doesn’t look too fancy or high tech, but has a ton of great content lets people know that you are a real person and that you aren’t trying to pull anything funny.  Big marketing campaigns, flashy banners, and creative ads are nice and all, but nobody really needs them. Just write some good articles and get the articles linked on some other websites. Then you write more articles and you get more links. Keep repeating this over and over until your site becomes a required daily stop for everyone who needs to be well-informed on the topic you’ve chosen to write about. The links on other pages and the people clicking on them will give you good ratings and the original content you have made will make you more than just another website, you will be unique!

When you write articles, put in a lot of keywords for search engines to find, but don’t over use them or use them blatantly.  Nobody wants to read lists of words separated by commas.  Also, make sure your links to the merchant websites stand out on your page and get other websites to link to your site.  

That’s the secret to making money on the Internet. There it is, the list of things you need to do in order to become successful at affiliate marketing on the Internet. Think it sounds pretty easy? Well, it is, but not as easy as you’d expect. What you need to do is to write good articles that really answer the questions your readers have in mind. This means finding a topic, becoming very very acquainted with it, and knowledgeable about it, and putting together possible solutions to the questions your readers have. Another tip, if it's interesting to you, it will be easier to write about.  Choose a topic that you find interesting.

Keep yourself up to date on the new trends within your niche.  Keeping up with new releases based on your subject will not only keep your website fresh with new items to sell, it will also keep your visitors coming back for your trusted review of these new items. Like I said before, content is king, without it you have nothing more than a blank page.

For a much more in depth and realistic strategy to making money online, visit This online marketing program covers a lot of affiliate marketing fundamentals.

Thank you for your time and please don't forget to subscribe so that you will be informed when I have new information to share about making some extra money from home.



How to find a top rated Affiliate program

How to Find a Top Rated Affiliate Program?

If you're reading this, then it's pretty safe to assume that you are interested in marketing and very interested in making as much money as possible without working too hard. Well, that's what top rated affiliate programs are for because the only way a program can get to the top of the affiliate world is to provide the affiliates with everything they want and then some. Being proactive in meeting the needs of affiliates pay handsomely, which is why top rated affiliate programs can be counted on to offer the terms that make a marketer's heart race with excitement.

What are the features of a top rated affiliate program? For starters, such a program offers high commissions. The people behind it know that their products will sell very well and don't mind giving up a bigger share of the money in order to motivate affiliates and reward their efforts. If you're spending a couple of hours everyday pondering traffic statistics, thinking up ways to improve your website to get top search engine placement and generating a lot of sales then you deserve those high commissions. And if your conversion rate is high enough, you will be making a lot of money in a short time. 

Aside from the high commissions you will need quality affiliate support from the associate program in the shape of free website templates to choose from, free content for your website (or websites) written by professional copywriters, tutorials and guides if you're only just beginning and lots of information and advice on the niche market you are going to be operating in. Plus, you get access to advanced affiliate tools for keyword research and traffic tracking. Another very important thing to look out for is the way products are sold. If the managers ask you to buy the products and resell it to customers, then you're walking into a scam.

But you probably know by now that there are no magic buttons to push that can make you a super affiliate in a couple of days. You'll have to work your way to a position of financial security and you have a lot to learn about how to be a good marketer. But joining a top rated affiliate program goes a long way to making your dreams come true as fast as humanly possible because the sad alternative is to do the same amount of work for less money. And that runs contrary to the fact that you deserve to get as much as possible for your efforts.

Low commissions and small percentages of low prices are highly NOT recommended and working for a greedy bunch of managers is an experience that should be avoided. Why waste time and effort when you can start on the right foot by joining a top rated affiliate program? If some people out there are willing to work for low commissions and others can't find anything wrong with investing their own money in a business that doesn't ever pay off, then let them do it. You have other priorities.
